Welcome to St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Blessed together with Word and Sacrament
From volunteer work to community outings and basket socials, we always have something fun happening.
With many exciting events planned throughout the year, you’ll want to stay up-to-date with what’s happening next!
Become an involved part of our community by joining one of the many groups that make up our church and keep us going.
Do you want to give back?
Learn how you can donate to our church.

About St. John's
Founded in 1834
We, the members of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Fogelsville, desiring to be blessed together with Word and Sacrament and to become more perfectly the Body of Christ in the world, do hereby commit ourselves to a mission which involves: increasingly creative and meaningful worship; developing additional opportunities for Christian Education; intentional witnessing to our congregation and community; Christ-centered social ministries and; promoting a more effective stewardship program which helps people to become better aware of what we have to offer and where we have needs.
Regular Worship Service Hours
9:00 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship
10:30 AM Worship
Summer Worship Service Hours
NO Sunday School
9:30 AM Worship
9:30 AM Worship
Join us every Sunday
Every Sunday, St. John’s livestreams our worship on Facebook. Tune in at the appropriate time to enjoy from the comfort of your own home.
Inclusive of All
Worship Services
Weekly Communion
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday.
We are handicapped accessible, with an elevator in back of the church. We also provide hearing aid sets and large print hymnals.
Children Friendly
St. John’s welcomes and encourages all children to fully participate in worship. There are children’s bulletins and activity bags in the narthex. The nursery room is always available.
Responsive Cancellations
Church cancellations will be displayed on WFMZ TV and wfmz.com on mornings of bad weather. You can also call the church office – the answering machine will relay cancellations.