Our Committees &


Become an involved part of our community by joining one of the many groups that make up our church and keep us going.

Altar Guild

This group maintains the altar on a weekly basis. They set up for communion and clean up after all services. They also help with all of the festivities of the church.

Peggy Kriebel, contact.

Bible Study

This group is currently not meeting until further notice. We hope to resume soon!

Christian Education

This committee works with the Sunday School and Youth Group in support of their programs. They help in instructing classes, choosing materials and preparing our youth for the issues which they may face in their religious and social lives. They meet as announced.


St. John’s offers choir involvement for any age. They enhance the quality of the worshiping experience. Senior Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings 7-8:30 PM (September-June) unless otherwise noted. Our Sunday School children sing during worship as announced.

Beth Stottmeister, Director of Music; Neola Geschel, President; Carol Moyer, Secretary

Congregation Council

Mike Divers (President) – 2nd term, joined Nov 2020 term fulfilled in Nov 2026 (6 years)
Mike Herman (VP) – 2nd term, joined in 2021, term fulfilled in Nov 2025 (4 years)
Donna Kressin (Secretary) – 1st term, joined in 2021, term fulfilled in Nov 2024 (3 years)
Keri-Ann Divers (Treasurer) – 1st term, joined Nov 2023, term fulfilled in Nov 2026 (3 years)

Ken Divers – 2nd term, joined in 2020, term fulfilled in Nov 2026 (6 years)
Stacey Divers – 1st term, joined Nov 2023, term fulfilled in Nov 2026 (3 years)
Neola Geschel – 2nd term, joined in 2021, term fulfilled in Nov 2025 (4 years)
Cindy Graf – 1st term, joined in 2021, term fulfilled in Nov 2024 (3 years)
Kelsey Herman – 1st term, joined Nov 2023, term fulfilled in Nov 2024 (1 year)
Lisa Herman – 2nd term, joined in 2019, term fulfilled in Nov 2024 (5 years)
Matt Kressin – 1st term, joined in 2022, term fulfilled in Nov 2024 (2 years)
Carla Malantonio – 2nd term, joined in 2019, term fulfilled in Nov 2025 (6 years)
Curtis White – 2nd term, joined in 2022, term fulfilled in Nov 2026 (4 years)

Endowment Fund

This committee oversees the administration of the Endowment Fund of the church. Any trustee can be contacted for information about the fund. They meet as announced.

Trustees: Stan Tantsits, term fulfilled in 2024; Bonnie Kline, term fulfilled in 2025; Shawn Furman, term fulfilled in 2026


The Evangelism committee spreads the Word into the community and is involved in inviting new members to join our family at St. John’s. They meet as announced.


The Finance Committee keeps records of the giving within the congregation. They also monitor budget construction and expenditures. They meet as announced.

Members: Keri-Ann Divers (Chair), Stan Tantsits (Advisor), Jenna Sell, Stephen Althouse, Kyle Seyler

Ladies Aid

This group helps with the financial end of projects within the church. They generate funds through bake sales and various activities. They provide a unique and inviting form of fellowship where everyone is welcome. They meet as announced.

Carol Moyer, President


This committee is responsible for the upkeep and repairs of St. John’s facilities. They meet as announced.

Curtis White, Mike Herman, Dave Newhard, Co-Chairs

Social Ministry

Social Ministry participates in various programs to enhance the outreach of the church. This committee oversees various events that involve the community. This committee is currently being reorganized. They meet as announced.


Stewardship is responsible for the outreach to all members, ensuring their financial and volunteer support through various events and communication. They meet as announced.

Sunday School

The Sunday School Team is made up of the Sunday School Staff. These dedicated members teach and guide the children, youth and adults of the congregation. They choose the curriculum and plan the lessons for each year. They meet with Christian Education.

Team Ministry/Staff Support

Team Ministry is a group of individuals who have open communication concerning the attitudes and condition within the congregation. Through listening, interpreting, advising, conferring, evaluating, recommending, affirming and forgiving, the ministry of the pastor, lay professional and congregation is strengthened. Team Ministry is also charged with taking the lead of community involvement in finding ways that St. John’s can assist the community at large. They meet as announced.

Worship & Music

This committee assists with planning weekly and special services. They meet the last Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM (or as announced).

Youth Group

This group consists of the middle and high school aged youth of the congregation. They plan activities throughout the year including: service projects, retreats, fundraisers and various other events. They have meetings after worship as announced.